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Featured self storage units at Newark Safe Storage

Storage for Whatever Fits Your Needs

At Newark Safe Storage, we have sizes ranging from small closets to tiny houses available to suit all your storage needs.
Moving Supplies
Stop by before your move for a deal on supplies.
24/7 Access
Access your unit anytime at your convenience
On-site Manager
our office is open every day frorm 9-4 for any assistance you need
Convenient Location
We're near where you need us
Moving Truck
Uhaul trucks available for rent on-site
Excellent Customer Service
Se habla Espanol!

Looking for self storage in Newark, DE?

Looking for self-storage in Newark, DE? Look no further. Formerly Jonathan's STOaway, Newark Safe Storage is a locally owned and managed self-storage facility focused on safety, competitive pricing, and customer service. Our self-storage facility is designed to offer affordable, easily accessible storage space for residential and commercial customers.

Newark Safe Storage seeks to be a desirable, safe, and customer-oriented facility perfectly suited for maintaining and accessing valued personal and business belongings. We feature an affordable, convenient, and secure facility operated by a professional staff who care about your belongings as much as you do. 

Hopefully, we showed up in your search for a self-storage unit near me. Even if not, please bookmark our page to make it easier to check out all that Newark Safe Storage has to offer!

Looking for help finding a moving vehicle? Contact us for our Uhaul rental services.

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5-Star Rating

Newark Safe Storage was recently selected as one of the Best Storage Facilities in Newark, Delaware based on Reputation, Credibility, Experience, and Professionalism. Here is what the StorageUnits survey had to say:

Out of the 57 storage unit facilities in the Newark area, our research found yours not only provides the level of security and value that customers are looking for; but an exemplary level of service that shows you truly understand that they are the heart of your business. Thank you for providing exceptional service to the residents of Newark!

Because your business stands out as one of the best, we would like to help you celebrate and generate awareness of this recognition. We are planning to issue a nationwide press release that will highlight your facility.

Why Us?

Because your satisfaction is our number # 1 goal. We realize that your selection of a storage facility is important. 

Our passion for cleanliness and security is everywhere you look and our customer focus is matched by our competitive pricing. We are confident that you will agree that Newark Safe Storage will exceed your

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Nokē Smart Entry System

Security in the Digital Age - A modern facility with contactless Bluetooth latches

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